
Ineffable emotional sting which points me, touches me…
In the dense and scrutinizing drawing, the epiphany of wonder summoning the alchemy of intense blacks and immaculate whites, voids full of promise.
In the jewel, the magic of the meeting of old pearls and precious metals offering in anfractuosities the traces of an artisanal gesture from which springs the emotion.

from October 8 to 19, 2021
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 11am to 7pm
Other days by appointment.
11 rue de Thorigny 75003 Paris
Bus : Saint-Claude (96 and 91), Rue-Vieille-du-Temple (29), Saint-Paul (69 and 76), Archives-Haudriettes (75)
Metro: Saint-Sébastien Froissart (line 8), Saint-Paul (line 1)