
The energy of jewelry resonated with the energy of fetishes at the “Voodoo Intentions” exhibition

Dialogue between ancient fetishes and contemporary jewellery

On the occasion of the launch of my first collection, Tila, I proposed to Agnès Lefebvre of the MATARENGO gallery, specialized in ancient African art, to organize a joint exhibition in order to create a dialogue between ancient fetishes and contemporary jewellery.

“Voodoo Intentions” took place between 21 and 23 December 2019 in the Marais in Paris. Here is a look at the exhibition…

Valérie Bui, David Meyer and Agnès Lefebvre
Guere fetish mask - Ivory Coast, long necklace "Multi-symbols"
Fon fetish, antelope skull, rooster feathers, antique locks

A remarkable symbiosis between fetishes and jewellery

During the preparation of the exhibition, we immediately felt that there was a very positive energy.

The scenography was obvious, as the dialogue between the age of the fetishes and the modernity of the jewellery was so coherent.

In creating the Tila collection, my intention was to express the power, vital energy and strength of fetishes. It is also the richness of the voodoo symbols that attracted me. They are, for example, bird skulls, padlocks and keys, shackle, chain and beads.

The display of jewellery alongside the fetishes highlights the meaning of the jewelry and brings modernity to the fetishes, even a timelessness. The fragility and delicacy of ancient Murano glass beads, the refinement of the materials and the high quality of the jewelry design contrast with the raw forms of voodoo.

The pieces together form a contrasting, intriguing whole, a successful marriage.

Exhibition “INTENTIONS VAUDOU”, opening December 21, 2019

Une grande curiosité des visiteurs pour une culture empreinte de mystère.

Le vaudou est à la fois une religion, une culture, une philosophie. Difficile à définir, le vaudou est la réponse que les anciens ont trouvé aux questions existentielles : Où sommes-nous ? Qui sommes-nous ? D’où venons-nous ?… A chaque questionnement, il y a une approche, une solution. C’est une manière de regarder la vie et de s’affranchir des difficultés. Le vaudou vient d’ailleurs ; il nous intrigue mais il nous parle à tous car il porte des croyances où l’homme est en communion avec la flore et la faune. Il divinise le ciel, la terre, les arbres, le feu, le fer, l’eau, etc. Tout est symbole. Le fer, par exemple, matériau très présent dans le vaudou, renvoie à la couleur rouge, au pouvoir attribué à cette couleur, aux globules rouges, au feu… Le battement du fer incandescent par les forgerons rappelle les battements du cœur… Véritable construction intellectuelle, l’origine du vaudou est très ancienne. La divination remonte au moins au Ve siècle transmise par les Berbères qui eux-mêmes la détenait probablement de plus loin encore (l’Egypte peut-être). Ainsi, le panthéon comprend plus de 400 divinités qui ont chacune un rôle bien défini. L’apprenti devin doit intégrer 256 proverbes et savoir les interpréter pour pouvoir exercer. Importants dans des sociétés sans écriture, les symboles transmis par cette religion appartiennent au patrimoine de l’humanité. Dotés d’une charge spirituelle, les fétiches sont le support de la parole et représentent l’identité d’un peuple. L’exposition a permis d’apporter un éclairage sur les principaux symboles utilisés dans la création de fétiches et revisités dans les bijoux que je crées. Naturellement, le sens donné aux symboles aujourd’hui appartient à chacun : protection, communication, secret, etc.

Fon and Mina fetishes, Ring “Big Parakeet”
Long necklace "Padlocks"
Detail of padlocks, Fon fetish - Benin

Une énergie positive très communicative

Qu’ils soient néophytes ou pas, les visiteurs ont ressenti de fortes émotions : un enthousiasme communicatif porté par tous, parfois mêlé à des frissons, des vibrations, du mystère, du magnétisme, etc.

Long necklace "Big Kingfisher"
Boli Mali fetish, Bambara - Mali, Small Kingfishers cuffs

Voici un extrait du Livre d’or :

« Un voyage fabuleux grâce à une mise en scène incroyable !! Un grand merci pour ce partage d’émotions. »


« J’en ai des frissons… Belle expo ! »


« Magnifique dialogue que l’on soit ou non initié. Et un écrin de rêve pour mettre en valeur de vraies œuvres. Enfin flotte partout un air paisible et serein. Bravo. »


« Superbe mariage du vaudou et du travail d’orfèvre. La pureté des formes et de la matière à l’état brut ! A renouveler !!! »


« De belles idées, de belles découvertes, de belles réalisations. Bravo et merci. »


« Un voyage en terre africaine. Une exposition puissante qui invite à la découverte. L’originalité est là ! Il fallait oser. Magnifique. »


Un grand merci à tous les participants pour leurs témoignages !

Nouvelle destination en février 2020

Avec Agnès Lefebvre, nous avons été heureuses de partager un moment intense, hors du temps, un moment d’émotions et d’échanges autour de passions communes avec des publics d’horizons divers et aux sensibilités différentes. Cette évasion de fin d’année nous porte à continuer notre voyage ensemble.



On the occasion of the launch of my first collection, Tila, I proposed to Agnès Lefebvre of the MATARENGO gallery, specialized in ancient African art, to organize a joint exhibition in order to create a dialogue between ancient fetishes and contemporary jewellery.

“Voodoo Intentions” took place between 21 and 23 December 2019 in the Marais in Paris.

Here is a look at the exhibition…



A remarkable symbiosis between fetishes and jewellery


During the preparation of the exhibition, we immediately felt that there was a very positive energy.

The scenography was obvious, as the dialogue between the age of the fetishes and the modernity of the jewellery was so coherent.

In creating the Tila collection, my intention was to express the power, vital energy and strength of fetishes. It is also the richness of the voodoo symbols that attracted me. They are, for example, bird skulls, padlocks and keys, shackle, chain and beads.

The display of jewellery alongside the fetishes highlights the meaning of the jewelry and brings modernity to the fetishes, even a timelessness. The fragility and delicacy of ancient Murano glass beads, the refinement of the materials and the high quality of the jewelry design contrast with the raw forms of voodoo.

The pieces together form a contrasting, intriguing whole, a successful marriage.



A great curiosity of the visitors for a culture full of mystery

Voodoo is a religion, a culture, a philosophy. Difficult to define, voodoo is the answer that the ancients found to existential questions: Where are we? Who are we? Where do we come from?… To each questioning, there is an approach, a solution. It is a way of looking at life and of freeing oneself from difficulties.

Voodoo comes from elsewhere; it intrigues us but it speaks to us all because it carries beliefs where man is in communion with the flora and fauna. It divinizes the sky, the earth, the trees, fire, iron, water, etc. Everything is symbolic. Iron, for example, a material very present in voodoo, refers to the color red, to the power attributed to this color, to red blood cells, to fire… The beating of the incandescent iron by the blacksmiths reminds us of the beating of the heart…

voodoo, which is a true intellectual construction, dates back a long time ago. Divination dates back at least to the 5th century, passed on by Berbers, who themselves probably held it from even further away (Egypt perhaps). Thus, the pantheon includes more than 400 divinities, each with a well-defined role. The apprentice diviner must integrate 256 proverbs and know how to interpret them in order to be able to practice.

The symbols, which are important to cultures without a written language and wich are passed on by the religion belong to the heritage of humanity. Endowed with a spiritual charge, fetishes are the support of the word and represent the identity of a people. The exhibition shed light on the main symbols used in the creation of fetishes and revisited in the jewellery I create. Naturally, the meaning given to symbols today belongs to everyone: protection, communication, secrecy, etc.



A very communicative positive energy

Whether or not they are neophytes, the visitors felt strong emotions: a communicative enthusiasm carried by all, sometimes mixed with shivers, vibrations, mystery, magnetism, etc.

Here is an excerpt from the Guestbook:


“A fabulous trip thanks to an incredible staging! A big thank you for this sharing of emotions.” Isabelle

“I had shivers down ma spine… Nice exhibition!” Hervé

“Magnificent dialogue whether one is initiated or not. And a dream setting to showcase real works. Finally, a peaceful and serene air floats everywhere. Bravo.” Sitor

“Superb marriage of voodoo and goldsmith work. The purity of the forms and the matter in its raw state! To be renewed!!!” Mathieu

“Beautiful ideas, beautiful discoveries, beautiful achievements. Bravo and thank you. » Antoine “A trip to African soil. A powerful exhibition that invites discovery. The originality is there! You had to dare. Magnificent.” Michaël

Many thanks to all the participants for their tokens of sympathy!



New destination in February 2020

With Agnès Lefebvre, we were happy to share an intense, timeless moment, a moment of emotions and exchanges around common passions with audiences from different backgrounds and with different sensitivities.

This year-end escape prompts us to continue our journey together.